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About Gwacheon City

General Status

A lively and
exciting city, Gwacheon

Gwacheon is a city located in the central western part of Gyeonggi Province, bordering Seoul to the north,
Anyang City to the west, Seongnam City to the east, and Uiwang City to the south. Most of the bedrock consists of banded gneiss, but an alluvion has been widely developed along the Yangjaecheon Stream.
Its major mountains include Gwanaksan (629 m), Eungbong (348 m), and Cheonggye (618 m).
It is also a cultural touring city with amusement facilities, such as the Seoul Grand Park and Gwacheon Racecourse.
Gwacheon, a clean, residential city that is recognized as one of the most ideal places to live in Korea,
is a leading local government unit that breathes and grows together with its citizens based on its high sense of citizenship
and its strong foundation for self-reliance.
Its area is 35.87㎢, accounting for 0.04% of Korea’s land area (100,214㎢) and 0.35% of Gyeonggi Province’s area (10,167 ㎢).
Its limited development zone is 29.75㎢, occupying 83% of the total area of Gwacheon City.

Major Developments

Apr. 25, 1979
Gyeonggi Province’s Gwacheon District support office was established.
Dec. 21, 1981
National Education Training Center was relocated.
Jun. 10, 1982
Gyeonggi Province’s Gwacheon Branch was established.
Jul. 1982 ~ 07 Feb. 1986
  • Integrated Government Building 2 was relocated.
    • Ministry of Finance and Economy (Economic Planning Board, Ministry of Finance)
    • Ministry of Science-Technology, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries)
    • Ministry of Commerce and Industry (Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Energy)
    • Ministry of Health and Welfare (Ministry of Health and Society)
    • Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Construction and Transportation (Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Transportation), Emergency Planning Commission
May 01, 1984
Seoul Grand Park in Gwacheon was opened.
Jan. 01, 1986
Elevated to Gwacheon City
Aug. 25, 1986
The National Museum of Contemporary Art was established.
Mar. 23, 1987
The National Institute of Korean History was relocated.
May 08, 1988
Seoul Land was opened.
Nov. 03, 1988
Gwacheon Government Complex was relocated to a new building.
Sep. 01, 1989
Gwacheon Racecourse Park was relocated.
Apr. 15, 1991
Gwacheon-city Council was opened.
Jul. 23, 1991
Gwacheon Urban Planning Zone was separated and notices were distributed.
Mar. 28, 1994
The Ministry of Environment was relocated.
Apr. 01, 1994
A subway station was opened.
Oct. 07, 1995
Gwacheon Citizen Hall was opened.
Dec. 12, 1995
The National Election Commission was relocated.
Feb. 12, 1996
Small and Medium Business Administration was opened
Dec. 31, 1997
Intelligent Transportation Office was opened.
Mar. 26, 1998
Gwacheon Social Welfare Center was opened.
Nov. 04, 1999
Construction of the Resource Purification Center was completed.
Mar. 07, 2000
Gwacheon Jungang High School was opened.
Feb. 08, 2001
Gwacheon Seniors Welfare Center was opened.
Sep. 13, 2001
Construction of the Gwanmun Sports Park was completed.
Dec. 25, 2001
Construction of Airdrie Park was completed.
May 16, 2002
Gwacheon Public Library of Information and Science was opened.
Oct. 31, 2003
Construction of the Nam Taeryeong Underpass was completed.
Feb. 19, 2005
Munwon Sports Park was opened.
Jun. 20, 2005
Construction of the Yangjaecheon Stream Cycle Road was completed.
Oct. 31, 2006
Yangjaecheon Stream’s EcoRiver was restored.
Feb. 28, 2007
Women Vision Center was opened.
Dec. 01, 2007
Gwacheon City Youth Center was opened.
Nov. 14, 2008
Gwacheon National Science Museum was opened.
Feb. 07, 2010
Construction of the Gwanmun Indoor Gymnasium was completed.
Jul. 04, 2011
Gwacheon Cultural Center and Gyeonggi Sori Initiation Hall were opened.
Jul. 19, 2011
Gwacheon Community Rehabilitation Center and Veterans Hall were opened.
Oct. 05, 2011
Gwacheon Knowledge Information Town was designated as a New Plus Housing Zone.
Feb. 13, 2012
Gwacheon Munwon Library was opened.
Jun. 01, 2013
Healthy Family Support Center was opened.
Jun. 03, 2013
Chusa Museum was opened.
Jun. 29, 2016
Designated as Gwacheon Juam Public Support Private Rental Housing Supply Promotion District.
Jul. 13, 2017
Woojung Hospital leading business promotion plan was disclosed.
Jun. 19, 2018
Gwacheon Juam Public Support Private Rental Housing Supply Promotion District Planning was approved.
Oct. 15, 2019
Gwacheon Public Housing Zone Project was designated and notified (the Ministry of Land, Transport, and Maritime Affairs Notification No. 2019-561)
Dec. 30, 2019
Gwacheon Urban Corporation was established.

Population (Resident Registration Population)

(Unit: Person)

모바일환경에서는 좌우로 이동하여 내용(표)을 보실 수 있습니다.

주민등록인구를 안내하는 표입니다. 년도, 가구수(호), 인구, 인구밀도, 가구원수 순으로 안내합니다.
Year No. of Households
Population Population Density No. of Family Members
Total Male Female
1986 17,953 66,901 32,733 34,168 1,869.3 3.7
1992 24,349 72,570 35,635 36,935 2,026.5 2.98
1995 24,344 70,385 34,596 35,789 1,962.8 2.89
2000 24,467 71,432 35,208 36,224 1,997.0 2.91
2001 24,398 71,201 35,149 36,052 1,985.5 2.91
2002 24,537 70,488 34,739 35,749 1,965.6 2.87
2003 25,008 70,324 34,567 35,757 1,961.0 2.81
2004 24,528 68,333 33,603 34,730 1,905.5 2.78
2005 21,681 61,206 30,075 31,131 1,707.3 2.82
2006 21,993 60,876 29,905 30,971 1,698.0 2.77
2007 22,669 62,291 30,668 31,623 1,737.0 2.75
2008 25,296 69,477 34,171 35,306 1,937.4 2.75
2009 26,203 72,049 35,369 36,680 2,009.1 2.75
2010 26,194 72,279 35,397 36,882 2,015.5 2.76
2011 25,832 71,955 35,170 36,785 2,006.5 2.79
2012 25,413 71,068 34,612 36,456 1,981.8 2.8
2013 25,233 70,578 34,355 36,223 1,968.2 2.8
2014 25,251 70,156 34,129 36,027 1,956.4 2.78
2015 25,030 68,946 33,502 35,444 1,922.6 2.75
2016 23,454 63,778 31,013 32,765 1,778.5 2.72
2017 20,903 57,527 28,085 29,442 1,604.2 2.75
2018 21,205 58,142 28,423 29,719 1621.4 2.74
2019 21,467 58,289 28,638 29,651 1,625.5 2.72
2020 23,373 63,231 31,068 32,163 1763 2.72

Administrative Districts

모바일환경에서는 좌우로 이동하여 내용(표)을 보실 수 있습니다.

행정구역을 안내하는 표입니다. 행정동, 법정동, 면적, 구성비, 통, 반 순으로 안내합니다.
Administrative Dong Legal Dong Area (㎢) Distribution Ratio Tong Ban
Jungang-dong Jungang-dong 5.28 19.5% 24 118
Gwanmun-don 1.71
Galhyeon-dong Galhyeon-dong 4.05 12.2% 33 151
Wonmun-dong 0.31
Byeoryang-dong Byeoryang-dong 0.68 1.9% 39 192
Burim-dong Burim-dong 0.37 1.0% 33 164
Gwacheon-dong Gwacheon-dong 6.26 30.0% 14 63
Juam-dong 4.52
Munwon-dong Munwon-dong 3.70 35.4% 15 45
Makgye-dong 8.99
6 10 35.87 100% 158 733

Administrative Organizations

행정조직을 안내하는 표입니다. 국, 담당관, 과, 의회, 보건소, 사업소, 동 순으로 안내합니다.
Bureaus Officer Divisions Council Public Health Center Businesses Dongs
3 1 19 1 1 3 6
No. of Public Officials

(Unit: Person)

공무원 정원 현황을 안내하는 표입니다. 계, 정무직, 일반직(4급/5급/6급/7급/8급/9급) 순으로 안내합니다.
Total Political Service Position Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9
Capacity 579 1 5 36 131 150 133 121

Budget (2021 Main Budget)

(Unit: KRW 1 million)

재정규모를 안내하는 표입니다. 계, 일반회계, 특별회계, 재정자립도, 재정자주도 등 내부거래
Total General Account Special Account Financial Self-Reliance Financial Independence
407,675 402,780 4,895 28.67% 44.76%



교육현황를 안내하는 표입니다. 고등학교(시설수/학생수), 중학교(시설수/학생수), 초등학교(시설수/학생수) 순으로 안내합니다.
High School Middle School Elementary School
No. of Facilities No. of Students No. of Facilities No. of Students No. of Facilities No. of Students
4 2,115 2 1,803 4 3,564


업종, 제조업, 건설업, 도소매업, 수박 및 음식점업, 정보통신업, 금융보험업, 기타를 제공하는 표
Type Manufacturing Construction Wholesale & Retail Lodging & Eating Facilities Information & Communications Financial & Insurance Others
3697 76 137 1,338 525 43 34 1544

Land and Land Type

(Unit: ㎢)

모바일환경에서는 좌우로 이동하여 내용(표)을 보실 수 있습니다.

대, 대지, 전, 답, 유원지, 하천, 도로, 기타용지를 제공하는 표
Forest Land Plot Field Paddy Recreation Area Stream Road Others


(Unit : m)

고속도로, 국도, 지방도, 시도를 제공하는 표
Expressway National Highway Local Road City Road
1,200 8,370 4,724 43,267

Vehicle Registration and Transportation Company

모바일환경에서는 좌우로 이동하여 내용(표)을 보실 수 있습니다.

승용차, 승합차, 화물차, 특수차, 버스, 택시, 마을버스를 제공하는 표
Car Two-wheeled Vehicle Taxi Intra-city Bus Town Shuttle Bus Freight Services
No. of Businesses No. of Cars No. of Businesses Route No. of Businesses Route General Freight Personal Cargo
26,799 units 1,197 units 4 314 1 3 1 4 13 70

Water and Sewage

모바일환경에서는 좌우로 이동하여 내용(표)을 보실 수 있습니다.

상수도(급수인구, 평균생산량, 1인평균급수량, 수도관로, 급수전수), 하수도(처리장, 처리용량, 하수관로)를 제공하는 표
Waterworks Sewage
Population Supplied Average Production Mean Water Consumption per Capita Waterway No. of Hydrants Treatment Plant Handling Capacity Sewage Pipe
62,583 persons 22,639 tons/day 272 ℓ/day 109.3km 6,660 units 1 30,000 tons 207.9 km


(Unit: Household)

단독주택, 아파트, 연립주택, 다세대주택을 제공하는 표
Detached House Multi-household House Apartment Town House Multiplex Housing
455 6,154 10,678 675 1,816


(Unit: EA)

계, 도시자연공원, 근린공원, 역사공원, 문화공원, 수변공원, 체육공원, 어린이공원, 소공원을 제공하는 표
Total Urban Natural Park Neighborhood Park Historic Park Cultural Park Waterside Park Sports Park Children’s Park Mini Park
77 1 21 1 1 1 2 16 34


하천명, 연장(㎞), 유로연장(㎞), 개수현황(%)을 제공하는 표
Name Extension(㎞) River Length(㎞) Improvement(%)
Local Stream Tota 9.57 20.51 77.86
Yangjaecheo Stream 6.16 10.63 92.60
Makgyecheon Stream 1.77 6.12 96.57
Galhyeoncheon Stream 1.64 3.76 24.90
Small River Dolmugaecheon and 10 other 11.33 27.18 97.00

Vulnerable Social Group

((Unit: Person)

국민기초생활보장 수급자, 등록 장애인, 한부모 가정, 독거노인을 제공하는 표
Recipient of the National Basic Livelihood Security System Registered Disabled Single Parent Family Senior Citizens Living Alone
793 households / 1,072 persons 2,087 58 households / 146 persons 1,732

Welfare Facility

모바일환경에서는 좌우로 이동하여 내용(표)을 보실 수 있습니다.

지역아동센터, 아동공동생활가정, 어린이집, 경로당, 기타 노인복지시설을 제공하는 표
Community Children’s Center Child Communal Living Households Daycare Senior Citizen Center Other Welfare Facility for the Elderly
Number Capacity Number Capacity Number Capacity Number Capacity Number Capacity
3 100 1 5 48 2,809 29 1,540 8 197

Medical Facilities and Pharmaceutical Sales Facility

모바일환경에서는 좌우로 이동하여 내용(표)을 보실 수 있습니다.

종합병원, 병원, 의원, 부속의원, 치과의원, 한의원, 약국을 제공하는 표
Total General Hospital Hospital Clinic Attached Clinic Dental Hospital Oriental Medical Clinic Pharmacy
95 - - 37 2(1 general, 1 dental) 21 15 20

Cultural Properties

국가지정문화재, 경기도지정문화재, 과천시 향토사료를 제공하는 표
State-designated Cultural Property Gyeonggi Province-designated Cultural Property Gwacheon Folk Relic
1 national treasure, 2 treasures, 2 intangible cultural assets, 6 registered cultural properties 5 tangible cultural assets, 3 intangible cultural assets, 3 monuments, 3 heritage materials 4
페이지 만족도

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